Do you live by deadlines? Are you a slave of time? If yes, it’s time to consider freedom. Freedom is to spend time the way we want to. It’s either you take control of time or time will control you…
Love can never be measured. With time, the feeling of real love goes in one direction; deeper. There is no destination and no end to love. The virtue of love is infinite…
All of us have hidden talent and potential. Still, a lot of potential dies with people who don’t believe in themselves. This happens because they believe the world which never believes in them…
It is ironical that we spend a major part of our lives in quest of acquiring something, though the simplest, easiest and the fastest way to get is by way of giving. Those who have experienced this powerful method…
If you ever wonder why life is so challenging, chances are that you are walking in the wrong direction. If you ever think why there are so many struggles in life every day, it may be because you don’t enjoy what you are doing…