Archive for the ‘Contribution’ Category

Charity is anti fragile

Posted on 13th November, 2015 | | 1895 Views | Contribution

It is ironical that we spend a major part of our lives in quest of acquiring something, though the simplest, easiest and the fastest way to get is by way of giving. Those who have experienced this powerful method…

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We just can’t eat the fruits. We must become the tree one day

Posted on 28th September, 2015 | | 1709 Views | Contribution, Leadership

This world is a better place today because of many noble men who gave back much more to the society than what they got.If someone taught you to excel in your vocation, you should consider passing your expertise to many more as a gratitude…

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I don’t want to be rich anymore

Posted on 13th May, 2015 | | 1744 Views | Contribution, Self Development

I was always fascinated with rich people. There was something in them which attracted me. So much so that I promised myself that I will become rich one day. I knew I had to work hard for this. And I did. Day in and day out, I left no stone unturned to achieve my dream. […]

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