Archive for 2018

I don’t read newspapers anymore

Posted on 8th March, 2018 | | 11294 Views | Habits, Me, Time

I don’t exactly remember when I stopped reading newspapers. I guess it’s more than 5 years now. It was a good decision and I don’t recall having missed out anything meaningful ever since. Yes, at times it is a bit embarrassing not to be aware of the latest happenings and I am unable to participate […]

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The Challenges I took in Dec’17.

Posted on 3rd January, 2018 | | 2334 Views | Habits, Me

I took few challenges in Dec’17. Here are they :- Learning to draw human face Give me a paint brush and I will make a mess of it, guaranteed. I made horrible drawings during school projects. Never got any better. So, I decided to challenge myself to learn how to draw a human face. The […]

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