Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

A father’s message to his son

Posted on 4th October, 2017 | | 3818 Views | Family, Self Development

# 1 Take care of health. Give an hour to body every day, no matter what. # 2 Read daily. 2 hours a day is good. 4 will be still better. # 3 Spend time with family. Take care of family. Remember, family comes first. # 4 Be honest. Even in tough times, be strong […]

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Be proud of your children

Posted on 27th April, 2015 | | 1880 Views | Family, Self Development

Most parents are way too possessive about their kids. Knowingly unknowingly, we tend to compare our kids with other kids. Rather than looking at the strengths, we mostly look at their weakness and compare their achievements, habits and routine with some other kid on the block. Many a times, we say in public that it […]

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