A calm mind is a valuable asset.
If you are blessed with wealth, Use it for people who need help and resist the urge to display its arrogance.
Even if the destination is not in sight, keep walking.
The reward of execution is multiple times that of an idea.
Some people whom you trust will act otherwise. Still, keep trusting people.
A progressive decision is good no matter what the result is.
Noise kills productivity. Seclude yourself.
A balanced life is a myth. When your work is what you love, you need no balance.
Faith gives everything but we don’t give trust enough on faith.
If you are hurt, comfort others.
Take care of others and someone will take care of you.
Feeling of superiority is a game played by arrogant people. Simple people don’t even play this game.
Don’t aim to be the biggest. Try to be the best in what you do.
Life is too short to do the same thing all your life. Keep changing the track.
Live privately. Completely private.
One should resist explaining things to people who do not want to understand.
An open mind clears a lot of hurdles.
It is impossible to fake your intentions for long. Have a good one instead.
The least risk in life is money risk.
Be bullish on yourself.
A plan B mostly ensures the failure of plan A.
Thinking is a good thing to spend time on.
Time and team are the greatest leverage.
Manifest good outcomes. Top it up with action.
Absolute faith eases pain.