Getting success

Posted on 8th July, 2015 | | 1573 Views | Life, Success

Winning is good. Success is awesome. I too wanted to win and become successful. And I wanted to do it fast. I thought it would be a good idea to find out winners who were never defeated; successful people who never failed. Basically, I wanted a recipe of success; a ready made thing, so that I could walk along the path and reach the pinnacle.

Excited, I started my research. The more and more I read, the more and more I scanned, I was disappointed. To my surprise I could not find a single man who won without being defeated. I could not find anyone successful without having met with failures. My excitement and hope were dashed. I noticed, the recipe of success was nothing but a lot of defeats and failures mixed with efforts, practice and patience.

But my learning’s did not go in vain. It made be wise. It made me realize there were no shortcuts. I learned that winners drew blood from their defeats. I realized that successful people were the biggest failures in the history of mankind but these were the men who eventually made history and changed the face of mankind.
I have learned that the recipe of winning is to face defeat. I have learned that the recipe of success is to meet with failures.

I have understood; my chances of winning increase with every defeat. I am certain; with each failure, I am getting close to success.

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