6 questions to ask daily

Posted on 12th October, 2017 | | 1872 Views | Self Development

Life is becoming fast. Let’s pause for a moment and examine our life. It will be worthwhile to ask these 6 questions every day to ensure that we are on the right track.



Did I exercise today?

Everyone knows that health is wealth but in the midst of our busy schedule, giving time to our body takes a back seat. ‘I will start tomorrow’ is the single biggest excuse. It requires a strong discipline to remain in good shape. Walking/exercising for 30-45 minutes, 4 days a week is recommended. If you are unable to fit this in your schedule; start with 2 days a week. After a few weeks/months, make it 3 days a week and finally, bring it to 4 days a week. Start today.


Did I eat healthy today?

Our eating habits are equally responsible for our health as regular exercising. Eating healthy requires extremely high level of discipline and self control. It’s a must. It you find this challenging, apply this simple rule. Start with committing yourself to eat at least 1 healthy meal a day. This itself will do a lot of good and take away a lot of guilt of eating unhealthy throughout the day. Over time, make it two healthy meals a day. Add salads and fruits in between to cut down the need for sugary drinks or snacks with high calories. If you fill your plate with good things, bad things will automatically reduce or stay away. Finally, start eating healthy 5-6 days every week and then if you splurge for a couple of days, it may not do that much harm.


Did I help someone today?

Hundreds of research in the past has proved that we feel much more satisfied when we help someone rather than when we focus only on self. Help can be done in many ways. Speaking inspirational words to someone who is de-motivated or listening to someone in pain. Providing food to a hungry soul or by helping someone cross the road. Look around and you will find a reason and a way to help. Let your day not end unless you helped someone.


Did I read today?

Reading is a powerful habit. The only way to meet legends who are no more is by reading what they spoke or wrote. Reading helps in de-stressing too. Start with ten minutes a day. Do it as a ritual. Don’t miss. It is powerful. Increase the duration over time. 30-60 minutes of peaceful reading every day can transform your life.


Did I spend time with my family today?

Time not spent with family today is lost forever. No matter how busy you are, you can still be able to spend quality time with your family if you commit to a few routine. Like; eating dinner together or reading a story to your kid every night. Like keeping weekends free for family or switching off your mobile for a few hours every day while at home. Find what works for you but make sure you do it. If you are not able to spend time with family, nothing you achieve will be worth it. Reflect deeply upon this.


Did I make progress on my long term goal today?

Finally, in the chaos of everyday life and commitments, you must ensure that you work on your long term goals every single day. To achieve big goals, you need to break them in small parts and incorporate them in your daily schedule. Immersing yourself in daily chores and doing urgent works may give you short term gratification but it is not going to help you reach your long term goals. Keep a few hours every day for your long term vision. A step a day can land you on the moon one day.


Start asking these questions to yourself every day. Don’t worry about the progress. When you assess yourself daily, a time will come when the scores will be high.


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One Response to 6 questions to ask daily

  1. Vinay Kumar Laxman says:
    October 12, 2017 at 10:58 am

    I am exercising daily…. Thanks Brijesh for your inspiring thoughts

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