Recommended books < 250 pages (64)

  • The Psychology of Money

    By: Morgan Housel   

    Pages: 238

    Business, Investments

    My recommendation: 10 / 10

    Date read: 4th Feb'2021

    Brief review: It is one of the finest books I have read on managing money which has a lot to do with one's behavior. Morgan Housel shares his own journey of wealth creation as well as his experiences and learnings along the way. It is truly timeless. Morgan suggests that we need to follow a simple strategy rather than being hyperactive while handling our money. He says, even being average can make us wealthy and supports his view with real examples. It is not just a business book. Apart from money, it gives a solid perspective on living a happy life and its relationship with money. It is a simple and easy read. Everyone must read this one.

  • Rework

    By: Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson   

    Pages: 271


    My recommendation: 10 / 10

    Date read: 20th Jan'2021

    Brief review: Simply brilliant. Written by successful entrepreneurs, it is filled with practical ideas that will encourage you to make meaningful changes you should make in your own life and at work. Some of the advice given in the book will seem radical, yet you will wonder why you never thought that way. Do less. Say no more often. Meetings are toxic. Long to-do lists don't get done. Make tiny decisions. Underdo your competition. Speed changes everything, and many other small bites make it a very interesting read. Though it is classified as a business book, it should be read by everyone.

  • The Book of Rumi

    By: Rumi   

    Pages: 176

    Philosophy, Self Help

    My recommendation: 8 / 10

    Date read: 7th Jan'2021

    Brief review: Rumi lived in the 13th century. He is considered to be one of the best poets and writers who ever lived. This book is a collection of 105 short stories and fables with such deep meaning that will make you dive into the wonderland of your own world as you will relate it to your own life and the people around you. Even after a thousand years, Rumi's words echo in our hearts and illuminate like a shining star in a dark night. If you love Rumi's writings, you can't ignore this book. If you haven't known Rumi, this short book will be a good start. Teenagers can also read.

  • Your Music And People

    By: Derek Sivers   

    Pages: 140

    Self Help

    My recommendation: 10 / 10

    Date read: 14th Dec' 20

    Brief review: I have been following Derek Sivers for many years now. He inspires me with his life and work. His message is to live with freedom and do what you love. He walks his talk. In this book, he encourages readers to pursue their dreams and take courageous decisions. He gives numerous ideas on marketing and branding your product. He also gives valuable insights into human behavior which if we apply in our own lives, can give fantastic results. Written in simple words with tonnes of examples, you will enjoy reading this book.

  • Born Standing Up

    By: Steve Martin   

    Pages: 228

    Biography, Inspiration

    My recommendation: 8 / 10

    Date read: 9th Apr'18

    Brief review: Steve Martin was one of the world's most sought after stand up comedian during the 1970's. But it didn't last long. Not because people stopped laughing at his performance but because he chose to leave. In this book, Steve tells his story straight from the heart. How he reached from empty halls to massive attendance of over 50,000 people in his shows and why decided to abruptly end his performances. He candidly shares his personal challenges, emptiness and reconciliation with his family. A true story of sheer hard work and dedication. An inspiring and motivating read.

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