By: Deepak Chopra
Pages: 96
Philosophy, Self Help
My recommendation: 9 / 10
Date read: 19th Feb'17
Brief review: In this short book, Deepak Chopra talks about seven laws which when practiced can give you lifelong success and happiness. Explained in simple language and sometimes hard hitting, you will find lots of wisdom in the book. The book is a little philosophical too. Key learnings are - know self, practice meditation, cut ego, doing less can accomplish more, uncertainty is the real freedom and many more. It's kind of a pocket book. Do read.
By: Henry David Thoreau
Pages: 280
Non Fiction, Philosophy
My recommendation: 7 / 10
Date read: 8th Nov'17
Brief review: The book is based on the author's experience of two years he spent in solitude in a cabin he made all by himself near the Walden Lake. First published in 1854, the book is considered to be one of the best works of Henry David Thoreau. Through the book, the author advocates living a simple life and that being wise is not enough; we should live a worthy life. The book is a detailed experience of everyday life he lived during those two years and may get monotonous for the reader after a while. It's not for starters. If you love philosophy and stoic way of living, read this one.
By: Marcus Aurelius
Pages: 221
My recommendation: 10 / 10
Date read: 28th Oct'17
Brief review: This book is one of the finest piece of philosophy ever written. Marcus Aurelius (AD 121 - 180) wrote a series of reflections which he called simply 'To Himself'. This later took the name of the book 'Meditations'. In this fast paced world, the teachings of Marcus may look stale and old but it remains a gem and timeless wisdom. The key message in the book is that - 'We all will be dead soon and so we must live our life well and as per the laws of nature'. The book is of 221 pages but the actual reading content is only 122 pages. It is easy to read but very deep in meaning. Each line will give you a perspective on life. I would recommend to go slow in reading this and understand the essence to the fullest. If you are looking to know the meaning of life and how to find peace and happiness, this book is for you. Strongly recommended.
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Pages: 51
Philosophy, Self Help
My recommendation: 6 / 10
Date read: 5th Sep'17
Brief review: It's a short book. It is an excerpt from collected essays Emerson wrote way back in 1840's. It contains a lot of philosophy and wisdom about how a man should conduct his affairs. While it's a good book for self development, readers may find the language and format to be non-reader friendly. Some of his statements I loved were, "A man is relieved when he has done his best" and "a great man is he who keeps the independence of solitude". Read this if you have interest in philosophy.
By: Epictetus
Pages: 96
Philosophy, Self Help
My recommendation: 10 / 10
Date read: 7th Aug'17
Brief review: It’s not just a book name. It is actually a manual for living which you should keep with yourself and refer each day. Epictetus teaching’s are simple, crisp and effective. It carries wisdom in every word. It answers all your questions; like how should you live and carry out your activities in daily lives. What should be the ultimate purpose of life? How to be worry free? The most important message in the book is to focus on what is under your control and not to waste your energy and life pursuing things which are not in your control. A one hour read carrying wisdom of a lifetime. I would strongly recommend this book to one and all.