Power Blogs

  • Questions

    October 27th, 2017

    There is no point answering others to prove your point. Instead, always ask questions to self. Am I on the right track? Am I doing the right things? What can I change about myself? How can I help more people? Have I found the purpose of life? What can I do to bring a positive change in the world? Don’t tell people what you have done. Ask self, what can you do more.


  • Silence is also a language

    October 26th, 2017

    What you speak is important. Silence is also a language.The words that you speak comes from the thoughts that you have. The thoughts that you form comes from the company that you keep. The influence happens slowly but surely. Keep a watch. Look for wise men and spend no time to detach with bad company. Life is short. Keep cleaning up the mess. Keep speaking kind words. Become a good company for others.


  • Find yourself

    October 25th, 2017

    The universe existed billions of years before we arrived and will probably exist billions of years after we are gone. We are not even a dot in the dot of the universe. We want to become immortal in the minds of people for ever. We want to leave a footprint on earth for ever. We are mistaken. We will be forgotten long before we think. Out best chance is to know ourselves while we live. The whole life will be short to do this. Dis-engage from everything. Find yourself.


  • Every hour is precious

    October 24th, 2017

    Every hour is precious. Think twice before spending it. Make sure you get absolutely high reward for the time you commit anywhere. The only time you should forget about time is when you are with family, engaged in self learning or helping someone. That’s high quality. Everything else must be closely monitored. You have come with a fixed time meter. Use it well before it stops rolling.


  • Take a pause

    October 23rd, 2017

    It is ironical that we spend a major part of our life to decide the direction itself. We rarely walk on it. Mostly, we are confused which way to go. The fear of missing out on other things is the culprit that we don’t even start. We want everything which eventually results in almost nothing. Not deciding on a direction itself is a direction to explore things but indecision cannot be termed as direction. Take a pause. Decide.


  • It’s a paradox.

    October 22nd, 2017

    It’s a paradox. When you start with the intent to build something big, it usually doesn’t materialise. Yet, when you simply do your best you often create wonders. The pressure to build something large mostly results in under par performance. When you add passion to your effort, the impact doubles. It’s a paradox because vision and passion could be two different things. Still, don’t wait all your life to decide. Having either of them is better than none.


  • What’s your excuse?

    October 21st, 2017

    Most people have a silly excuse of not going for the kill. What’s yours? Your imaginary constraints and challenges are nothing less than laughable. You must know that you are not fooling others but yourself. You are best at convincing yourself that things are not favorable to begin your dream journey. You then spice it up and tell your story to gain sympathy from the world. So much so that even you start believing in it. Get out of this trap. You are made to live a life of choice. Exercise your choice.


  • Think long term

    October 20th, 2017

    Live everyday but think long term. It may seem contradictory but it is not. When our activities are aligned with long term goals, there is minimum stress. Since there is no immediate pressure to perform or expect rewards in the short term, we can live a quality life and at the same time work with more vigour. Compromising today is not worth a penny. Living everyday is worth more than a fortune.


  • Winning alone will make you alone

    October 19th, 2017

    Winning alone will make you alone. Winning together will give you company for life. Take people together with you. Let everyone participate in success. Become a shoulder for each other. Make sure the human chain never breaks. Live with a responsibility to make others life richer. Inspire the world to carry on the legacy after you are gone.


  • Faith

    October 18th, 2017

    There is nothing more powerful than faith. It results in miracles. However, faith must be absolute; without any questions. Else it is not faith. Only you know your motives inside. It doesn’t work if done with an expectation. When your faith is unconditional, it shields you from unfavorable circumstances. When your faith is pure, you life will be peaceful.


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