Power Blogs

  • Negotiate for win-win

    October 17th, 2017

    Negotiate hard but make it a win win at the end. Whether it’s personal or professional relationship, give some space and leave some juice for the other side. One way deals never run long distance. Even if the other person is not a hard negotiator, give her some benefit to sweeten the deal. It’s not always about winning the negotiation. It’s also about long term relationships. There is no point winning the crown of being the best negotiator only to find in the end there is no one willing to negotiate with you.


  • Either be silent or do big talk

    October 16th, 2017

    Either be silent or do big talk. Don’t engage in small talk and never do loose talk. Don’t speak to gain appreciation. Do it with the intent of motivating others and follow the same path. There is so little time and yet there is so much fuss over little things. When you aim big, you achieve big. When you achieve big, your future vision multiplies. It’s a cycle. Get into this cycle.


  • Less could be more

    October 15th, 2017

    Do less everyday but finish what you take up. It’s better to end the day on a positive feeling of having accomplished what you aimed for rather than feeling frustrated and dissatisfied not being able to complete the to-do list. Add a lot of free time in your daily schedule. That’s also a good use of time. Infact, the best use. Saying ‘No’ to a lot of things is like saying ‘Yes’ to self and family time. Change your thinking. Less could be more.


  • Make your choice

    October 14th, 2017

    We have everything inside us. Joy, pain, pessimism, motivation, fear, courage, love, hate. These are all emotions and we will be incomplete without them. However, it’s upon us what we care about more. Yes, there will be fear at times but have a bit more of courage. Yes, there will be bouts of pain but choose a bit more of joy. We all are humans and possess indefinite powers within us. We all have the power to make choices which eventually define our lives. Make your choice.


  • Two ways

    October 13th, 2017

    There are two ways of looking at things when working on your craft. First is; how will it benefit me and secondly; how will it benefit the world. Go with the latter. It may sound foolish in the short term but it would seem like wisdom in the long run. When you make world the beneficiary, the effort you put in results in multiplied impact. We must pass this world in a better state than we inherited. Also, when we do things for the benefit of the ‘whole’, we are also a part of it.


  • My Job

    October 12th, 2017

    It was my job to get involved in every problem solving exercise of the world. I thought myself to be an expert. I realised, I was not. I thought I can read people. I was so wrong as I realised I know so little even about myself. I thought I can guide people to happiness. It was my mistake as I realised, I am myself struggling to find peace.


  • A dangerous disease

    October 11th, 2017

    They are always right. Even if they come to know they are wrong, they will never accept. They will go miles to convince you. They believe if they accept their ignorance, they would lose respect and dignity. They have made their opinion a matter of win and lose. To cover up their mistakes they further make new stories. It has become a vicious circle for them. They don’t understand they are suffering from a dangerous disease. It’s called ego.


  • Let’s change the perspective

    October 10th, 2017

    We are running after others. We are keeping a close watch on people. We are microscopic about how the world around is progressing so that we don’t stay behind. Let’s stop this. Let’s focus on self instead. Let’s keep our head down and practice on our craft. Let’s become an inspiration ourselves rather than competing with others. Let’s change the perspective.


  • Two kinds of people

    October 9th, 2017

    Spend time with just two kinds of people. Those who can help you grow in life or those whom you can help grow in life. Life is too short for anything else. Reach the top and pull others too. Make the motto of life to grow together. Don’t let your skills die with you. Teach someone else and spread it. The best way to payback someone who helped you is by helping someone else. Make a human chain. Make this world a better place.


  • Walking on the chosen path

    October 8th, 2017

    May be you know what you want. May be you are still searching. May be you are taking your time to ensure what you want to do with your life is the right decision. May be you are lacking courage to embark on the journey. Whatever it is; it’s worth taking a leap of faith. Mostly, it works. Sometimes, it won’t. Still, you will have a feeling of accomplishment that you tried and went for your life’s calling. The journey of soul is never judged on the results. Walking on the choosen path in itself is a life fully lived.


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