Power Blogs

  • Seek guidance

    November 6th, 2017

    People around you may be living in constant stress and they need someone to relieve their tension, seek guidance or may simply want someone to listen to their problems. Give them your attention. Become a shock absorber. It will cure them. It will give them new hope. It’s not about knowing answers to all their problems. It’s about trying to understand them. It works both ways. When you become the answer to someone else, you stop questioning yourself.


  • The biggest brand

    November 5th, 2017

    The biggest brand is your action that supports what you talk. No amount of money spent of artificial branding will work. You intent will. Your efforts will. Your dedication will. It will yield compounding results. Everytime you fulfill your commitment, everytime you back up your promise; you create an envious brand. Nothing is hidden. The world is watching whatever you are doing and it is creating your image in the sub conscious mind of others. Do it right and see your brand soaring.


  • Obsessed about yourself

    November 4th, 2017

    You claim to do the right things but you break the rules as per your own convenience. You say you are happy but your complains are never ending. You advocate humility but you like to flaunt your wealth. You take pride in having a long list of friends but you have a void inside. You indicate being content but are envy of successful people within your circle. You say you care about others but you are obsessed about yourself.


  • Lifelong learning

    November 3rd, 2017

    Too much emphasis is given on lifelong learning. It is considered to be a holy thing to talk about. Well, learning is important but a conscious and dedicated learning all through may ruin the gift of life. After a while, learning should happen sub consciously. Trying to know everything will make us mechanical. If we spend our whole life learning when will we live and more importantly, when will we put to use our learnings. Let’s be human. It’s ok to be ignorant at times. May be, an imperfect life is the most perfect.


  • Giving is the essence

    November 2nd, 2017

    To get someone’s love is the best thing in the world. To be able to love someone is the next best. The former is not in your control but to share your love with someone is your own will and feelings. The thing is; to feel someone’s love, you first need to love unconditionally. Asking doesn’t work. Giving is the essence.


  • They

    November 1st, 2017

    They won’t even listen to you in the beginning. When you work on your craft day in and day out, they won’t take you seriously. When you hit the first milestone, they will call it a fluke. When you do it again, they will start watching you. When you keep making the headlines they will predict your downfall. When you walk further ahead, they will start following you. When you stop listening to them, they will start talking about you.


  • Discover self motivation

    October 31st, 2017

    Looking for outside motivation is good but it won’t last long. Discover self motivation. You can’t depend on others to become your guiding force for ever. You must have the zeal to keep walking even during difficult circumstances. Outside motivation may act as a spark but you must ignite the fire within on your own and make sure it never gets extinguished. Getting inspired is good but nothing beats the inside will to make things happen.


  • Inverse relationship

    October 30th, 2017

    There is mostly an inverse relationship between future success and current claims. Some people are quite vocal and project as if they are going to win the world tomorrow. They mostly don’t. Yet, there are people who do their job with their head down, neither knowing nor claiming the kind of impact that they would make in the future. They mostly do.


  • Set your priorities

    October 29th, 2017

    People are obsessed with the need for appreciation. They consider wealth, professional success and social networking to be the absolute pre essential to get respect and power in the society. And so, they spend their entire lifetime in pursuit of wealth, promotions, creating a successful business enterprise and trying to mix and get along with people they don’t like. In the process, many miss out on the what life has to offer, for free. They unknowingly compromise on health and quality family time. They sacrifice their passion and hobby. While they find themselves to be surrounded by people, yet they feel a vacuum inside. It’s time to reflect upon this and set priorities right.


  • Everyday we must do our best

    October 28th, 2017

    Everyday we must do our best. Doing our job well is a part of it but it doesn’t end there. It includes bringing a smile on someone’s face. It may be worthwhile to respect people around a little more and give them a genuine praise. It is also important to realize our own potential work towards it. Everyday, we must also contribute to make this world a better place. That’s what it means to do our best.


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