Thought of the Day

  • May 9th, 2024
    Benefit of doubt saves many relationships.

  • May 8th, 2024

    Time expands to accommodate those who respect it.

  • May 7th, 2024

    A big vision adds a multiplier effect to hard work.

  • May 6th, 2024

    A safety net is good. if you have too many, it will suffocate you.

  • May 5th, 2024

    Routine beats thrill.

  • May 4th, 2024

    We fear only till the time we feel like incomplete.

  • May 3rd, 2024

    Too much planning yields too little.

  • May 2nd, 2024

    The ability to see a little far takes a person a lot far.

  • May 1st, 2024

    No fight, no life.

  • April 30th, 2024

    Reward for solving the problem is bigger than creating one.

  • April 29th, 2024

    I am at my strongest when I am weak and vice versa.

  • April 28th, 2024

    Happiness is not about having a lot. It is about enjoying what you have.

  • April 27th, 2024

    The struggle to make tomorrows better ruins today.

  • April 26th, 2024

    Our own insecurity blinds us from being able to differentiate between the right and the wrong.

  • April 25th, 2024

    Taking a break is like breaking the status quo.

  • April 24th, 2024

    People with freedom of time are the new rich.

  • April 23rd, 2024

    Anger is not always hate. It could be love at its peak.

  • April 22nd, 2024

    If you feel you are stuck in life, do not stop moving with your efforts. With time you will see yourself far ahead from where you got stuck.

  • April 21st, 2024

    Find no more than a couple of things that is worth using this life for.

  • April 20th, 2024

    Asking for favours is fine as far as you give more than you receive.

  • April 19th, 2024

    Unless you let go the small things, you won’t achieve the big things.

  • April 18th, 2024

    Recency bias blinds us from long term thinking.

  • April 17th, 2024
    Everyone is looking for a perfect life. Life in itself is imperfect.

  • April 14th, 2024

    Everyone curses the society and yet looks for it’s validation.

  • April 13th, 2024

    If you achieve your targets, you probably underestimated yourself. It’s time to think even bigger.

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