Power Blogs

  • Stay on track

    February 14th, 2018

    Transparency doesn’t give you results in the short term. Not because it is doesn’t work but people are wired in such a way that when you exhibit integrity and transparency, they doubt you because their past experience may not have been good with others. Initially, they won’t take you on the face value and watch you closely. Slowly but surely, when you continue to do the right things their trust in you will begin to compound. It is then the rewards will start showing up. It may take months or years or even decades. Stay on track.


  • Live in the present

    February 13th, 2018

    It’s good to live in the present. Yet, we must also prepare ourselves for the end. Every passing day is reminder that we are getting close. We can’t ignore the truth. We must take control of our life and give it a good finish. No one else decides what your goal should be. It’s your call. You must not express your inability to live a life you want for yourself. There is always a way which will take you to your destination. You just need to have a strong will and walk on the required path. If you take the first step today, you will reach your goal.


  • Clapped for others

    February 12th, 2018

    They got favors. He gave a helping hand. They applied force. He absorbed the pain. They pushed. He gave cushion. They used connects. He stood in the line. They got the booty. He gave his care. They stood on the podium. clapped for others. They collected diamonds. He got blessings. They ran together to the west. He walked alone towards east. Everyone got what they wanted.


  • Help others cross the valley

    February 11th, 2018

    I am giving you the rope to climb. Hold it tight and step forward. Don’t worry, I will not leave you till you come up. Once you reach my place don’t thank me. Instead, take my place. Help others cross the valley. There is no paying each other. It’s ‘pay it forward’. Once you helped others, ask for help to reach higher and repeat the process. Keep doing it your entire life. No, there won’t be an end to it. It’s upon you how high you can climb. It’s upon you how many people you help climb.


  • Compare yourself with others

    February 10th, 2018

    You fight with people but you are weak inside. You try to put resistance like a stone but you are fragile like glass. Your words are forceful but their meaning shallow. This happens when you try to become what you are not. This happens because you compare yourself with others and make an effort to project a better you. Stop it. It never works. Even if you beat some and move ahead you will always be behind many others. Stay self. It is better to stand where you are rather than following others and being behind for ever.


  • Passion and hobby

    February 9th, 2018

    Passion and hobby are two different things. Hobby is generally inward and limited to self. Passion involves more than self. It has mostly to do with an activity which impacts the outside world. When we say we are passionate about something, it essentially means we are doing something which can have a profound impact on other people’s life. When this is the purpose, self interest takes a back seat. You might also be a beneficiary when you engage in what you believe in but that can’t be the primary objective, else it may dilute your passion. Be sure what your passion is.


  • Faith

    February 8th, 2018

    Faith is the biggest medicine for curing all diseases and troubles. It provides dramatic results. The only thing is – faith must be absolute. There must not be any doubt about it’s effectiveness. Faith works as a ‘placebo’ effect. It strengthens the belief in the mind about the positive outcome. When there is faith, there are no questions. The immediate result of faith is calmness in mind and body. You can’t claim to have faith. It speaks for itself.


  • Redefine your life

    February 7th, 2018

    Consider you have been given a new life with no baggage of the past. You are given an opportunity to rewrite your story and to plan your future life afresh. What would you like your story to be? What goals would you set for the future? Will you keep doing what you are doing now or change? If answers are different than what it is now, take the turn now. Redefine your life. The world will adjust sooner than you think. Once you do, you will wonder – why it took you so long?


  • One more try

    February 6th, 2018

    One more try. That’s what is needed to turn things in your favor. Each time to try again, the possibility of getting through adds up. Don’t give up. Each time it doesn’t work you may consider quitting. That’s what the challenge wants from you; to beat you. It wants to go down to a worthy winner. That’s why it posses as a tough challenge. When you increase the force, the challenge weakens but doesn’t break. You need to follow on. It’s not about winning. It’s all about who gives up first. You must not.


  • Unworthy past

    February 5th, 2018

    You can’t see it. It’s hidden deep beneath. Even if you get a glimpse of it, I make a story about it and confuse you. It’s like a shadow which travels with me all the time. It’s like a wound which is self inflicted. It reminds me of being strong when it matters most. I am trying to make things right but a part of it can never be mended. It hurts a lot but tears are forbidden. It weakens me. May be gives me strength​. I am not sure. Yes, I am talking about a part of my unworthy past. Though it’s over, it’s not.


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