Power Blogs

  • Control your mind

    February 24th, 2018

    It’s easy to rule the world but difficult to control the mind. It’s easy to achieve greatness but difficult to satisfy the mind. Every time I think my vision is clear, my mind challenges it again. Every time I decide on a path, my mind throws a lot many options. At times, it shows me the way and yet it becomes a devil by creating a parallel. It motivates me to do the ‘right’ and at times pushes me to try the ‘wrong’. I thought I am the master but I will admit; I am slave to my mind.


  • Freedom

    February 23rd, 2018

    I say I don’t want your attention but I do try to attract you. I say money is not everything but I am worried about the future. I say I don’t compete with you but I am keeping a close watch on you. I say I have freedom but I am a prisoner of time. I say I prefer to be alone but I am waiting for your invitation. I say I care about the world but I am possessive about myself. Don’t believe what I say. Watch me closely and you will notice I do everything else than what I say.


  • Ego

    February 22nd, 2018

    You don’t buy my opinion because it will hurt your ego. Yet, later on you feel I was right. Still you don’t acknowledge me because you will feel like conceeding. You don’t show up in my gathering but examine me through lens. You despise my way of living in public. Yet, you are making an effort to copy me privately. Give up this attitude. It is not going to make a difference to me but it will allow you to change your course for good.


  • Complain and criticize

    February 21st, 2018

    Some people are expert in finding a reason to criticize. Even if you are trying to do good, they will find something to complain and criticize. They call themselves intelligent and having a sharp eye. Infact, they are suckers. They suffer from attention syndrome. They are the worst of the lot. Stay away from them. They are barrier to the work you are doing. Nobody is perfect. It’s the good intent that matters. Over time it converts into good work.


  • Rewards come later

    February 20th, 2018

    It is difficult to stick to routine. That’s why most people don’t get to the top. That’s why they settle with mediocrity. They convince themselves that they gave their best and they were just not lucky. That’s damn wrong. What was missing was fanatic discipline to follow the routine for a long period of time. A goal need an action plan. The action plan mostly consists of a routine. The routine is generally boring and difficult. The rewards come later. That’s why most people don’t follow it to the end. Finish what you are supposed to do every day and you will see the result sooner than you anticipate.


  • I am looking for my identity

    February 19th, 2018

    I have a name but I am looking for my identity. I don’t fully know myself yet but I want the world to recognise me. I do everything that doesn’t define me just to get the attention of people. I fake my smile and I raise my voice. I give my opinion on things I don’t have a clue and I make friends with people I hate the most. I am so busy doing all this that I have forgotten who I really am. In the quest of finding an opportunity, I realised; I have an identity crisis.


  • Stop the wrong

    February 18th, 2018

    A wrong must be stopped at the first instance of spotting it. If not done so its velocity increases. It then becomes a norm. Then they spread their tentacles and those opposing become their partners. Then it becomes a rule. A time comes when those who raise their voice against them becomes a minority. It all starts small but with time becomes a monster. Kill it before it kills you.


  • Dealing with things

    February 17th, 2018

    It depends on you how you deal with things. Guilt can ruin your life or it can be the biggest motivating factor. Wealth can spoil you or give you an opportunity to serve the needy. Power can make you hungry for more or it can give you a chance to transform the world. Failure can break you or fuel the fire in your belly to succeed. Every coin has two sides. If you don’t get the right side, you have a choice; to accept it or toss it up again.


  • Improve with time

    February 16th, 2018

    I am so doubtful when people claim their achievements. It seems they are exaggerating things. I don’t like this attitude of mine. It may be my own bias to underestimate them. Yes, I have known people who speak big and deliver small but that doesn’t give me a license to doubt everyone else. I am struggling to be non judgemental of what people talk. It may also be because I start comparing their activities and achievements with mine which is very modest. Whatever it is; I know this behavior of mine is not right. Hopefully, I will improve with time.


  • Self accumulating

    February 15th, 2018

    It’s ironical. We mostly spend our whole life wanting and accumulating things for self. We fight for respect and recognition. We demand attention. We feed our ego day in and day out. Yet, when we stand at the end of it all and stare back, it seems it was all not worth it. The only thing matters in the end is how much did we contribute to the betterment of the world. Did we wipe tears of a crying soul? Did we speak words of encouragement to those who were feeling down and out? Did we feed a hungry soul? Why not do it now when there is still time?


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