Power Blogs

  • Wealth & respect

    March 11th, 2016

    Wealth is easy to make, respect is difficult to gain. Wealth is a result of accumulation. Respect is a result of contribution. Wealth may not result in respect but if you gain respect you can eventually create wealth. Targeting wealth is not a crime but the mode of acquiring it should be respectful. Wealth may not quench the thirst of respect but respect can give peace. Wealth can leave a void in life whereas respect can give the sense of fulfilment.

  • High benchmarks

    March 10th, 2016

    He tries hard to understand the world. But he fails. He finds a gap in the language of the world and what they actually mean. The world is smart and he is probably not up to the standard. This is what the world thinks. He is not keen to win. He is not fighting anymore. The world may consider him to be a loser. He doesn’t care. For him, every word he speaks is a promise made. He has his own benchmark. And his benchmark is pretty high.

  • Playing safe is the riskiest thing

    March 9th, 2016

    Playing safe is the riskiest thing in life. This is because you are meant to be a winner but playing safe will cut all your chances of creating a benchmark. When you play safe, you can have a comfortable life but you can’t inspire anyone. Getting involved in multiple things is being safe. You must focus on just a few things. By doing this the chance of failing is high. But this is the only way of increasing your chances to make it big.

  • Thinking is powerful

    March 8th, 2016

    Thinking is powerful. The starting point of every accomplishment is thinking. Once you think the impossible, it becomes a possibility from that moment. Whether the thought matures into reality is then a matter of dedicated effort in that direction. Since thinking is the prime source of action and achievements, it becomes all the more important to think clean and positive. This is because; if we think negative we might flow towards it too. So, if you want to achieve big, think big. If you want to achieve peace; think peace. If you want to be happy; think happiness.

  • The world is complete

    March 7th, 2016

    This world is complete because there is a man who serves you coffee at your favourite cafe. Because there is a woman who cooks food at your home. Because there is a musician who plays your favourite number. Because there is man who greets you every time you reach your work place. Because there is a friend who laughs with you This world is complete because there is you. Because there is she. Because everyone has a space and everyone is needed.

  • I am an optimist

    March 6th, 2016

    I am an optimist. I have read stories of people who changed the world coming from nowhere. If they didn’t try thinking it’s not possible, we wouldn’t have witnessed the world we live in today. This inspires me a lot and there is a strong urge within to do something meaningful in life. The idea is not to create my story but to do as much as it would require to stand tall in my own eyes. I know it would require hard work, discipline and a strong commitment. I will give it a shot. What about you?

  • Don’t doubt others

    March 5th, 2016

    When you set out to do something big, many people will doubt you. However, you must know that they doubt themselves, not you. People who achieve big always believe in others. People, who don’t, doubt others. Don’t let such people come in your way. You don’t have to prove them wrong. Just focus on proving yourself right.

  • Break the barriers

    March 4th, 2016

    There is no limit to what you can achieve. Human mind can break all barriers and limitations. Look around and you will see unthinkable things happening. Who is doing them? People like you. What was once thought to be impossible is now standing tall in front of us saluting the spirit and courage of mankind. So, think big and you can achieve big.

  • An old man

    March 3rd, 2016

    There lived an old man in the woods. Nobody knew his age. All people knew was that he was a man of wisdom. When a young man went to seek his advice he spoke little but it was priceless. He said – ‘Take care of health, stimulate your mind by reading and explore by travelling.’

  • Don’t turn back

    March 2nd, 2016

    Love is a feeling and so is pain. The basis of love is to feel pain and vice versa. We cannot fight pain. We must learn to live through it, for pain emerges out of love. To fight pain is to fight love. It is only when you reach the level of unconditional love, you don’t feel pain anymore. This journey will test you. Don’t turn back. Keep going. You will find the feeling of everlasting love.

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