Power Blogs

  • I know a lot about you

    February 8th, 2017

    I know a lot about you. But don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Because, a while back it was my own story. It’s everyone’s story. The only difference is; I have accepted my evils but you are struggling. I am at peace with myself but you are competing. I showed courage and moved ahead but you are fearful and so stuck at the same place. Don’t worry. It happens with all. You would soon find a solution. Since I know myself, I know a lot about you.

  • Make a wise choice

    February 7th, 2017

    Are you a good trader? We all are trading our time for something in return. It could be money, fame, respect, peace or something else. Some people spend their lifetime in making money which they eventually are not able to enjoy. There are others who, though not wealthy, enjoy every moment and live a peaceful life. Many others dedicate their life toward making this world a better place. What are you trading your life for? Make a wise choice.

  • I am tired

    February 6th, 2017

    It took me some time to come to terms with this; ‘I don’t want to learn anymore’. I am tired. I don’t mind being called a fool. I just want to do things which makes me happy. I want to spend time the way I want. In the process if I learn something, I will be good with it but I don’t want to make an effort to learn anymore. I don’t want to know how birds fly. I just want to enjoy seeing them conquer the skies. I don’t want to know how flowers bloom. I just want to feel their fragrance.

  • The job

    February 5th, 2017

    The management was looking for someone who could accomplish a challenging project. They interviewed many. One of the persons interviewed was asked, ‘how many times have you failed at something?’ He boasted, ‘never’. He wasn’t asked any further question. Nor did he get the job.

  • Unknown to the world

    February 4th, 2017

    When you follow your interest and passion, it may so happen that you will remain unknown to the world. Let it be. If there exists a goal to achieve, it may not be your passion. If you worry about the result you will get in life by pursuing your passion, it itself will mean you are running after achievement and not passion. Don’t confuse passion with material success. One is internal, the other is external. Decide what you want to go after.

  • It’s high time

    February 3rd, 2017

    I must take control of my life. It’s high time. I will break the rules. I will defy all those who tell me it’s not possible. First I will do it myself and then motivate others that they can do it too. I have got one life. Half of it is over. Yes, it’s time. Let me get my acts straight. Enough of excuses and complains. I am not the only one with challenging circumstances. Others have moved ahead with even grave situations. It’s my time now.

  • You have a responsibility

    February 2nd, 2017

    You have a responsibility. People may not believe themselves but what you say to them can alter their lives. Your opinion about them can make a huge difference. It works either way. If you are positive about them, they will start believing they can do it. If you don’t, they will believe even this and live a subdued life. People need an outside force to guide them, motivate them, believe in them. Be this force. Appreciate genuinely. Motivate whole heartedly.

  • We are blessed

    February 1st, 2017

    We think we have control over things. Hardly true. There are too many random things happening and some of them simply fall in our favour and we think we worked hard at it. Hard work is important because it gives a sense of self satisfaction that we made it possible. However, when you think of several things that worked in your favour without you doing anything about it, the things that worked due to your effort will seem so small in number. Indeed, we are blessed.


  • The urge to give

    January 31st, 2017

    The day the ‘urge to give’ takes precedence to the ‘effort to get’, your life will begin to transform. This transformation will give you a new meaning in life. We spend so much time in demanding that we are left with so little time to give. In the end, what will matter is; how much did you contribute. Start early and you can give more. Money is just one way. Care, smile, empathy and sensitiveness are some other worthwhile ways you can give.

  • I am happy today

    January 30th, 2017

    I am happy today. Is that not enough? Why should I worry for tomorrow? Why should I go through the pain again so that I am more happy tomorrow? What is the definition of being ‘more happy’? When will the race end? What am I after? I don’t have the answer to all this. What about you?

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