Power Blogs

  • The greatest gift

    February 18th, 2017

    The greatest gift we can give to someone is to understand them. It’s not easy as we are mostly self centered and try to make others understand us. We mostly listen not to understand but to respond and place our own view. The urge to express is a desire we all have. If we let others fulfill this need we can make them happy. This is also a pre requisite of unconditional love.

  • I agree with you

    February 17th, 2017

    Yes. I agree with you. Money is everything. It helps you secure a higher place in society. It helps you buy luxurious things in life. It increases your confidence. It boosts your ego. It gives you the license to dominate. It buys you praise. It allows you to showcase your wealth which could hurt others. It makes you feel successful while you undermine the work of others. It even helps you overcome your guilt for some of the things you did to make a fortune. Yes, I agree with you. Money is everything.

  • Time is a great leveller

    February 16th, 2017

    Time is a great leveller. People may be ahead of you today but it doesn’t mean you can’t lead the pack one day. Your situation may be different when you took over but it is completely in your hand to change your circumstances going forward. No matter where you start from, you are given enough time in this life to reach where you want to. Ten to twenty years henceforth, you cannot complain about your past. Over long term, time nullifies all advantage others began with. You have a fair chance to get ahead. Keep walking.

  • Dear friend

    February 15th, 2017

    They were ahead of him. He was way behind and they made fun of him. It didn’t bother him. He went on at his own pace. They became complacent and a moment came when he reached where they were. It made them angry and they called him lucky. It still didn’t concern him and kept on moving. Now he is far ahead and they call him a dear friend.

  • It was tough

    February 14th, 2017

    He was stressed. Something was disturbing him. He knew the reason but was trying to take his eyes off it. But it didn’t help. It was becoming worse. He didn’t want to live like this. Something was needed to be done soon. He mustered all his courage and went for it. He tore himself apart. Cleaned himself to the core. There was so much of dirt within. Once and for all, he made peace with his past and the actions which were not justified. It was tough but he is now set for a worthy future.

  • The secret

    February 13th, 2017

    The secret to a great life is simple. Just do a little better each day. That’s it. Whether it’s work or helping others or learning a craft. Improve a bit every day and you will become a champion one day. You will become the best in your pursuit. Don’t become complacent. Take up a new challenge when you overcome the previous one. That’s called life.

  • You can change the world

    February 12th, 2017

    Be genuine and be generous in your praise. A few more words of appreciation can lift someone up in life. If you have seen tough times and faced difficult situations, try and make it easy for others as much as you can. Your moral support, encouragement and acknowledgement of their worth can make them believe in themselves. Change a few lives and you can change the world.

  • Be proud of yourself

    February 11th, 2017

    The forest exists because of its diversity. A garden looks beautiful because of the variety of flowers. If the sunflower wants to become a rose, it would lose its essence. Be yourself. There is a purpose why you are different. Find your usefulness and bloom. The world is beautiful because you are a part of it. Be proud of yourself and make the world proud too by playing your role.

  • Pay back

    February 10th, 2017

    It’s time to start paying back. Be grateful to all you got from people around. Be grateful to this life. Let the rotation keep happening. Change your role now. Make others grow. Help others achieve their dreams. You have to pay back in multiples of what you got. Start today.

  • Actions speak

    February 9th, 2017

    The proof is not required. Actions speak. Actions originate from thinking. So, work on your thinking. Clean it. Expand it. Elevate it. Average people operate at a low level of thinking. Don’t make them your benchmark. Don’t give reasons. Don’t give examples. Don’t give excuses. Grow your thinking. It will improve your actions which will eventually transform your life.

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