Power Blogs

  • I have decided to give up

    May 19th, 2017

    I have decided to give up. It’s enough. Its not helping me. I want to stop criticising people. It gives me instant pleasure but it is not helping me move ahead. I am also giving up on making excuses for my inaction and failures. I used to do this to gain sympathy of people so that they don’t think I am a loser. I am not somebody who gives up easily but I guess I need to try other things now; like hard work, discipline and positive approach. Sometimes, we need to give up to gain.


  • I want to find myself

    May 18th, 2017

    I am tired. I want to rest. A lot of work is to be done but I am exhausted. It’s a mad rush. I am lost. I want to find myself. For that I need to get out of the crowd. I never question them but they want answers from me. I don’t want to hide but they watch me closely. I am not interested in them, yet they are following me. I don’t understand why?


  • Show your integrity

    May 17th, 2017

    When you show integrity in dealing with the other person irrespective of the negative implication it might have for you, you are creating a long lasting goodwill which shall pay multiple times. It may take months and years but it never goes in vain. You don’t have to be fair in expectation of future rewards. It should be a natural phenomenon and attitude of doing the right things. Some may consider this foolishness. It is them who will consider you smart in the long term.


  • Move on

    May 16th, 2017

    When you win, don’t harp on it for ever. Move on. Your success is sweet but if you stretch it too much it could upset others. People will appreciate your achievements but they are mostly concerned about their own life. If your success makes them feel like an under achiever, they will despise you. You must know where to stop your story. Inspire others with your action but not self appreciation.


  • Listen to your heart

    May 15th, 2017

    Listen to your heart. It’s talking to you. It is giving you signals to do what it loves. Every time you defer it by one more day, one more month, one more year. Excuses are plenty; life is one. Every passing day will make it tougher to cross the line. If you don’t begin your journey of self discovery and passion now, you may never be able to do it later. Listen to your heart. It’s talking to you.


  • It’s a game of average

    May 14th, 2017

    It’s a game of average. If you are good at something, you will be messy at something. It will get down to average. It is applicable to all. Still, some people reach extraordinary success. This is because they go for extremes. They are very bad in many things but extremely good in a couple of things. Adding them all they are no more than average but a few extremely good qualities of them bring them all the success we dream of. What things you are the best at?


  • I wish to surrender

    May 13th, 2017

    Sometimes, I want the audience and sometimes, I want to be alone. Sometimes, I want to win you and sometimes, I want to lose to myself. Sometimes, I want to run towards success and sometimes, I want to turn towards my dream. Sometimes, I want to fight for power and sometimes, I wish to surrender to love.

  • Life is simple

    May 12th, 2017

    If you do your job just for the paycheck you won’t reach anywhere but when you add enthusiasm to it, you will reach the pinnacle. If you lock your wealth all for yourself it won’t last long but when you open it up for others, you will be wealthy all your life. The secret of a fulfilling life is simple; do the good and you will gain it back.


  • Find happiness

    May 11th, 2017

    Happiness is a couple of steps ahead of pain. You need to take those steps. It is in our nature to hold on to pain. It gives us a sense of belongingness. To enter the arena of permanent happiness you first need to let go of pain. For this you have to take the leap of faith. You can’t continue to keep holding pain and expect to find happiness. Pain is a magnet and so is happiness. When you detach yourself with pain you will automatically get attracted to happiness.


  • When the soul can see

    May 10th, 2017

    I think clean & straight. It allows me to understand myself better and cracks the coded behavior of other people quickly. The downside is; it stares at me in my eyes when I have ulterior motives and I am unable to face it. It makes it easy to differentiate between black and white and decision making becomes much faster. The questions come down and the answers become evident. It’s like; when the soul can see, there is nothing hidden.


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