Power Blogs

  • What is promised

    June 25th, 2018

    People don’t mind paying more but the product or the service should be worth the price. They are highly disappointed if they do not get value for money. On the other hand, those who provide above par service reap continuous benefit as customers flock to them always. Once you are branded as someone who delivers more than what is promised, you can raise your prices too. The thing is; people do not wish to buy poor service at any price and are willing to pay much high price for quality.

  • I am making fast progress

    June 24th, 2018

    When I am in hurry, I get late. When I want success, I fail. When I want attention, I am left alone. I thought about it. I realised it happens because I am possessive about results, not the efforts. Though it hurts to admit but I wanted everything fast without giving enough time and hard work into things. I ended up being nowhere. In my quest find the shortcut, I lost my way. Now I don’t rush things up. I am taking the long route of hard work. I don’t have a destination in mind. Surprisingly, I am making fast progress. I learned it the hard way.


  • Listen to your soul

    June 23rd, 2018

    When you can be awesome, why settle for good. When you can be the best, why settle for average. The world is looking at you for inspiration. When you perform your best, they get the motivation to do better. Someone needs to take the lead. You be the leader. Someone needs to take the responsibility. You take the load. You may not even get the credit. Let it be. It doesn’t matter what others have to say about you. Listen to your soul. If you are able to hear it’s melody, the purpose of your life is achieved.

  • Self respect

    June 22nd, 2018

    If you call yourself a doctor, keep your patients above money. If you call yourself a consultant, give your clients the best advice. If you call yourself the boss, treat your employees with respect. If you call yourself a lover, love unconditionally. If you call yourself a friend, take the bullet on your chest. If you call yourself a man, learn to respect the lady. If you call yourself a leader, protect your people before self.


  • Keep working hard

    June 21st, 2018

    Are you upset that things are not moving for so long? Stay put. Wait a little more. Keep working hard. Continue with your routine. The fruits are getting ripe for you. May be, they will all come at once. Life is not linear. Things will seldom happen uniformly. There will be a patch of sad days and then happiness will arrive with all its beauty. There will be times of no growth and then you will suddenly get a jump. May be, you are in the final stage of waiting. Don’t give up. Wait a little more.

  • Meaning of love

    June 20th, 2018

    She killed his ego. He was almost dead. He thought he loved her deeply. No, he didn’t. He had feelings for her but It was more of a dominance. He was possessive, not passionate. He was insecure. She knew it but never confronted him. She loved without a purpose. He was very demanding. It came to the point of breaking up. She held herself strong. She didn’t fear the future. Her love was unconditional. Bit by bit he crashed. He realised; what he thought was his right was infact his ego. Only after his ego died, he surrendered to her. Only then, he understood the meaning of love.

  • Be strong

    June 19th, 2018

    All my life I gave them authority in my life. I listened to them. I thought they know better than me. I tried to walk their way. It didn’t work out. Slowly but surely, I realised they knew nothing. It was my mistake to follow them all the while. Finally, I quit their group and started taking my own decisions. They became furious and predicted my downfall. I was apprehensive in the beginning but managed to inch forward. I understood; the world preys on the weaker man. The day I became strong, they left me in search of another weaker soul. Be strong.

  • Having fun on way is better

    June 18th, 2018

    The straight line is the most boring. While it can get you to your destination faster, it is the least exciting. Take a de-tour instead. Keep your goal in sight but make the journey a little fun. Take a pause in between. Explore things. Who knows; you might get inspired to pursue something different. May be, go for a long solo trip every few years. May be, try a different profession. May be, take a sabbatical from work and learn a new skill. Reaching the destination is good. Having fun on way is better.

  • Journey is exciting

    June 17th, 2018

    It’s good to have a little less. Imagine your life to be complete and you will have no excitement to wake up tomorrow. If you have no problems to solve, all your expertise will stand useless. If you don’t miss someone, the meaning of love will remain elusive to you. If all your wish comes true, you will lose your dreams. Respect what you don’t have. It will make you respect what you have. Remember; when you reach the end, it’s over. It’s the journey that’s exciting.


  • Respond properly

    June 16th, 2018

    Respond properly. Don’t keep people on hold. That’s your moral obligation. Honour your time commitment made to others. Yes, your time is precious but it doesn’t give you the right to make others wait. You may be powerful. You may be busy. It makes it all the more important that you treat others well. Your success and humility will make you respected. Your power with arrogance will make you despised. When you finally leave, your ego will be shattered. It’s better to cut it now. You have been blessed with a good life. Make others feel wanted. Inspire them with your living.


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