Power Blogs

  • Self promotion and appreciation

    July 5th, 2018

    There is an epidemic going on. People haven’t still realised the scale of it. It’s called self promotion and appreciation. Look anywhere and you will find people engaged in self publicity. They want endorsement of the world. They want to be recognised as good. They have become experts in faking it. They are not as happy as they show. They are not in as much peace as they try to exhibit. They don’t have as much expertise as they claim. The want of reputation has taken over the hunger for food. This disease is spreading like fire. The only way to safeguard yourself from it is to remain anonymous.


  • Everything will break one day

    July 4th, 2018

    Everything will break one day. Things that you thought belong to you will be taken away. You may be left alone. All you acquired will vanish. People you thought will stay in your life will leave. You will feel devastated. You will feel miserable. It will seem life holds no more value to you. Still, hold on. Such times will pass. You will find a new meaning in life. You will experience a never felt before type of strength. You will be able to redefine your life. Yes, what you lost will seem painful. But, it’s the only way to re-discover the mysteries of life. Respect what life has to offer. It’s for good.

  • Who am I?

    July 3rd, 2018

    Who am I? Who knows me? What have I achieved in life? Is my life worth it? These were questions which used to disturb me often. I had the disease of comparing myself with other people. It made me sick. It went on for years. Finally, it dawned upon me that I must get rid of this feeling. I must respect myself for who I am. I raised myself in my own eyes. I found myself beautiful. I started praising myself for the work I did. Now, I find the world inspiring and my own life worthwhile.

  • Respect your core

    July 2nd, 2018

    The core is very strong. You may swing a little here and there for a while but your core will always pull you back. The core is what defines you. It could be your integrity. It could be your friendliness. It could be your humility. it could be your solitude. It could be your feelings. It takes time for the core to be formed. Don’t make an effort to change it. You can’t. If it has to change, it will happen on its own. Respect your core. It’s what you are.


  • The search never ends

    July 1st, 2018

    The search never ends. To find the best things in life. When we find something we waited for long, the excitement fades. We then start looking for something else. Another journey begins. I wonder if this is wrong. I am not sure. On one side, we need to be content. On the other side, we must explore. Whom am I to decide what’s right for others. And similarly, I don’t give authority to people to comment on my preferences. Let life decide it’s own course. If it drives you to search more, do it. If you feel like done, so be it.


  • You have enough time

    June 30th, 2018

    You have enough time. All you have to do is start now. You can feel love. All you have to do is kill your ego. You can get it all. All you have to do is let it go. You can find happiness. All you have to do is respect pain. You can win everytime. All you have to do is defeat your fears. What you have is because of your choices. What you will get ahead is because of your choices. Whether you agree or not; it’s your choice.


  • Different philosophies about life

    June 29th, 2018

    There are different philosophies about life. Some people think that life is to enjoy every moment. Some say the purpose of life should be to ‘give’. Some are of the opinion that we must engage is some sort of invention or contribution which makes life of future generations better. Some believe, knowing self is the ultimate objective of life. Yet many think, living everyday as it comes is the best way. Whatever it is; make sure you figure out what’s your take on life and live your way. That way, you become responsible for what you get out of your life. And one more thing, don’t judge other people’s choice.


  • I am a story teller

    June 28th, 2018

    I am a story teller. And I am good at it. I have made enough of them. The way I tell stories, you will believe them in full. They seem so real. At times, even I don’t believe that they are fake or made with added flavours. Sometimes, when I do things that are in-appropriate, I convince my own soul my making beautiful stories. It takes me out of guilt. I blame situations and protect my wrong doings. Though I know all this, I am not able to give it up. It has become my identity. People love my stories. Whenever I hate myself for this, I tell myself another story.


  • Sensitiveness toward other people

    June 27th, 2018

    We all think from our own perspective. That is not a bad thing but at times, we miss out on sensitiveness toward other people. It might cause pain and trouble to them though we may not realise it. These people include our near and dear ones whom we promise never to hurt. Before we conclude that our actions are right, if we consider preferences and sensitivity of others, we may change our opinion about the way we see things. Infact, what will hurt us later are the things we did in the past which were unpleasant for others, even though we did it without such intent. We can make better choices if we pause for a moment before we choose our response.


  • Travel is a silent teacher

    June 26th, 2018

    Travel is a silent teacher. Not that it wants to teach you but you learn things sub consciously. The observation of things around makes a big impact. Arrogance meet humility. Power meets surrender. Knowledge meets wisdom. Mind meets soul. While you see things outward, the changes happen within. Nature , culture, people; everything speaks a silent language. The good thing is; everyone understands this voice. If you want to meet yourself, travel.


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