Power Blogs

  • The society & the world

    December 28th, 2015

    Did you make a beginning to pursue your dream. The start is the most challenging as you will encounter various thoughts and fears. Will it work? What about my financial security? What will the society and the world think? Well, let me tell you this. Mostly, people around you will appreciate and welcome your idea but they will be negative in their mind. Still, you have to move and live your dream. An unknown path of your passion will be much more satisfying than life of safety without living your dream. Start now.

  • Care gears

    December 27th, 2015

    Life is like car gears. You start slow with the first and move to the fifth and achieve high speed. You can’t get to the fifth at once. You also have to apply brakes at time to avoid accidents. This makes you start again with the first. Sometimes, even if you are in top speed, you need to stop to refuel or you would run out of it. The fun of driving is to use the gears. They help you control the ride. They help you enjoy the ride.

  • Observe your innerself

    December 26th, 2015

    If something is disturbing you, try observing your inner self. Think what is making you feel uneasy. Examine your motives. Break the barrier. Go deep. Initially it will be painful, to get to terms with your own desires and motives. Unless you get to the bottom, you won’t get peace. Once you do, you can clean yourself up. The outward shine will eventually fade unless the inner image is pure. The trouble is not what we can see in front. It is mostly hidden in our thoughts within.

  • Learning is wisdom

    December 25th, 2015

    Being biased towards your thought is fine. Doubting and criticising the other person is not. Remember, the other person is also biased with his own thoughts and learnings. Winning short term arguments can often result in losing the long term wisdom. Contradicting the other person once in a while is alright, the habit to prove yourself right is not. Listening with positive intent is a great art. Those who learn from the other persons perspective are the people who attain wisdom.

  • The beneficiary

    December 24th, 2015

    Do you want success? If you want it for yourself, you will have to go all alone. It will require a lot of hard work. You might reach the destination but chances are you will still be alone to celebrate. There is another way. Make the world the beneficiary and you will find the way smoother. Moreover, when you hit it big, you will have the world celebrating.

  • Keep your eyes open

    December 23rd, 2015

    Are you working for money or is there a passion involved? Money is important but loving your work is equally important. The best way is to find a way to make money by doing what you enjoy. A major part of life is spent working. You better enjoy this part or it will create stress which will impact other areas of your life. If circumstances are not allowing you today to make a choice; keep your eyes and mind open. Very soon you will get an opportunity.

  • The company you keep

    December 22nd, 2015

    You become the person you keep company with. Your thinking and vision will mostly be influenced by them. So make sure you meet and engage with the right people. Positive and successful people will always encourage and inspire you to do big things. Others will always look at you with suspicion. Wise men will want you to move up. Others will be jealous of your achievements. So, you better be careful in choosing your company.

  • Change the world

    December 21st, 2015

    Change yourself and then make it your personal goal to change the world for good. You know who you will be up against? The world itself. Still, don’t give up. Go any distance it takes. Re write the rules. Invent. Create. Don’t think why you should be concerned. Treat this as your responsibility. Long ago, someone dedicated his life to improve yours. It’s your turn now.

  • I see the good in you

    December 20th, 2015

    I see the good in you. I see the will in you. I know you can reach far. But no one else can help you. You have to do it yourself. You just need to have courage. You must start and keep moving in the direction your heart is dying for. The best thing is, once you start you won’t be looking for a destination. You will love the journey.


  • Be sensitive

    December 19th, 2015

    What you consider wrong can be right if you stand in the place of the other person. So, don’t judge unless you have the facts right. Similarly, what you think is right may turn out to be wrong after a few years when circumstances change. Again, if the intent was good but the result ‘wrong’, it could be excused as a mistake. So, the intent is crucial, not the result. Be sensitive, not judgemental.

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