Power Blogs

  • One life

    October 22nd, 2016

    One life. Your life. Live it well. It is upon you to decide what you want to pursue. Education, sport, philanthropy, business, art, social service or something else. Whatever you choose, give it your heart. Give it everything. Take responsibility of what you choose. Inspire the world with your passion. Become an evangelist. Do your best as nothing less is expected of you.

  • Life is not a race

    October 21st, 2016

    When we let go, we get. Yet, we stick on to things. When we stop running, we reach. Yet, we treat life as a race. When we do less, we achieve more. Yet, the ‘to do list’ never ends. When we pursue silence, we get all the answers. Yet, we continue to ask questions. When we empower others, we find our own freedom. Yet, we wish to control others.

  • They think I am weak

    October 20th, 2016

    They think I am weak. They think I am fearful. They think I have conceded. They have given up on me. May be, they are right in their own ways because their definition of life may be different. Action is their preference. Inaction is mine. Success is their motive. Satisfaction is mine. To fly is their wish. To reach the depth is mine. They may be right. Still, I am on my journey and am not coming back. I am not gonna live on their judgement. I have my own benchmark.

  • The evil

    October 19th, 2016

    The evil will flourish over good, for good doesn’t resist the evil. The fools will rule the wise, for the wise doesn’t like to take the lead. The worthy men will pay for the incompetent ones, for that’s the rule of the land. The deserving will give way to the favored, for they won’t fight for their right. Since long it’s happening. Till long it will happen.

  • Is it worth it?

    October 18th, 2016

    Is it worth sacrificing today for an unknown tomorrow? Is it worth spending more time at work than to see your child growing? Is it worth having a big bank balance but a low self esteem? Is it worth running for the world’s appreciation but losing respect from near and dear ones? Is it worth dying everyday while you can live a quality long life?

  • Growth is life

    October 17th, 2016

    Growth is life. Life goals are also moving in nature. When we achieve a certain goal, we set a higher goal and so on. There is nothing wrong in it. However, we must also learn to be happy about achieving earlier goals rather than just being stressed out to achieve the next goal. Unless we learn self gratification for earlier success, we will never enjoy the fruits of the tree which we sowed long back.

  • The road to self discovery

    October 16th, 2016

    We wish to enjoy the little things but we spend most of our time on other things. We fear that we might lag behind in the race of life and so we keep on running after unwanted things. We measure ourselves on the benchmark of others though we claim to live on our own terms. You must find and walk the road of self discovery. It is only there you will find peace and happiness at every step.

  • The wisdom

    October 15th, 2016

    Wise men who know, don’t have the urge to prove their wisdom. They don’t participate in discussions to win arguments but to explore more views and thoughts of other people. This way they become wiser. Those who don’t know go to any extent to suggest that they know. By doing this they actually exhibit their ignorance. Knowing where to stop is crucial in the process of becoming wise. Once you become wise, you wear the ornament of silence.

  • Your Choice

    October 14th, 2016

    It’s not about whether you don’t want name, fame, wealth or success and you want to live a simple and content life. You still must put your best effort. You still must use your capability. You still must make a difference in world. You still must live a life which will inspire others. You still must respect, honor and justify the decision of the One who created you. This is not a request by your creator. It’s your responsibility and obligation to live a worthwhile life and make your contribution.


  • Time flies

    October 13th, 2016

    Managing time is crucial. Time flies; and so its important to take stock of where your time is going. It is easy to get consumed in daily errands without achieving much productivity. It is therefore important to keep an eye on your routine on things you do. Don’t be a tick mark manager. Doing more activities is not a proof of accomplishing more. Do less but allocate your time to more important things. That’s the key.

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