Power Blogs

  • I examine myself

    November 21st, 2016

    I am confused. So, I look upon you for approval whether I am doing well or not. I examine myself from your eyes and perspective. It doesn’t matter much whether I am happy or not. It is important for me to have your endorsement. Some wise men say that we should live on our own terms and look for our own approval. I tried this but fail each time because I am not able to change the norms. So, what do you say? Am I doing good!!

  • The real self

    November 20th, 2016

    He wondered. Can he reveal his real life to the world? Or let them live in hope that one day they might be blessed to have a life like him. He knew that the world is charmed only by his outer luxury and fame and couldn’t see his inner hollowness and loneliness. By telling the truth, he would ruin their fantasy which was their only possession to live with. If he didn’t, they would run all their life for something which isn’t worth a thing. He couldn’t decide what to do.

  • The first step forward

    November 19th, 2016

    Don’t wait your entire life for the right opportunity and the right time. Go for your dream now. Yesterday was the best time. Today is the second best. Take the leap of faith. When you do what you think is right and what gives you happiness, you never fail. So, you are at the least risk anyways. You need to support your dream yourself by taking the first step forward. The world will soon be after you.

  • Examine the motives

    November 18th, 2016

    The reason for insecurity stems mostly from the fear of losing. It could be anything; health, wealth, respect or relationships. This fear makes us biased and at times makes our approach aggressive so that we can protect ourselves. This further escalates insecurity and fear. Rather than fearing, we should examine our own motives and expectations. Rather than living a life of continuous insecurity, we should have courage to live on faith.

  • They loved each other

    November 17th, 2016

    They loved each other. Fate had other plans. He tried to hold her back. He wanted his control on her. It didn’t help. The more he was holding her back in his mind the more he found himself chained to his past. It was painful too. He realized; love cannot be forced upon. He started loosening his hold. He let her go. It was not easy for him to do so. But he was surprised that he found his own freedom when he set her free. He found happiness in letting her go.

  • A life of oblivion

    November 16th, 2016

    You may have the world’s wealth, yet fail. On the other hand, you may live a life in oblivion and yet be happy and successful. You don’t need the society’s stamp on your meaning of success and internal peace. What is important is to know which way you want to go and have the courage to walk towards that path. The world will discourage you as they lack the intensity to follow dreams. You need to defy everything and keep walking your way.

  • One direction

    November 15th, 2016

    I am struggling. To find my purpose. Every day I seem to find it. The next day it doesn’t excite me anymore. I enquired deep. I realised, the reason of my anxiety is that I want more. I don’t want to miss out on anything. I know it’s not possible but I also don’t want to settle for less. I have already killed a lot of time figuring this out. It’s taking me nowhere. Slowly, I am realising. I must let go of many roads to go far in one direction.

  • It too shall pass

    November 14th, 2016

    Events will come. Events shall pass. You will exist till you too shall pass one day. While you stay, make sure you make it worthwhile. Not only for self but for those too who look upon you. And if possible, rise above it all and change the world. So that years later, from up above in the sky you can say to the inhabitants of this world; we got it better than what our ancestors had. We made it better for you than your ancestors had.

  • A clean soul

    November 13th, 2016

    Remember. A sincere effort is what will be rewarded. A life of giving is what will be valued. A good intent is what will be respected. A helping hand is what will be remembered. A selfless life is what will be recognized. A clean soul is what will be loved.

  • Losing an argument is good

    November 12th, 2016

    Some people won’t ever lose an argument. They are easy to handle. Just ignore them. They will put across their point as if they are an authority on the subject, though this is hardly the case. They will make the argument a battlefield. The more you try to convince, the more they will prove you wrong. Sometimes, it is best to let them win and move on.

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