Power Blogs

  • Forgiveness is godliness

    August 28th, 2017

    Forgiveness is godliness. However, forgiveness must be subtle. You can’t shout loud about it. You can’t blow the trumpet that you do it. Sometimes, the person you forgive won’t even know. Sometimes, they won’t even realize they did something wrong. Still, for your own peace; forgive them. Forgiveness must be done with the heart, not the mind. If you hold grudges even after forgiving, it will be you who shall need forgiveness from your own soul.


  • Change is the only constant

    August 27th, 2017

    In an entire lifetime, an average person spends more time at work than with his family. How unfortunate this is. Its happening since centuries now. I am not sure who started this culture and propagated it. May be, the human greed for more money, power and recognition is the culprit. Over time, it has become an expected behaviour and nobody questions it anymore. But change is the only constant and I hope it will change one day.


  • Rituals are powerful

    August 26th, 2017

    Rituals are powerful. It could be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Like, doing 20 minutes of exercise every day. Like, taking your spouse for coffee every week. Like, reading a book every month. Like, taking parents out on a holiday every year. Whatever be it; follow it religiously and it will give you immense satisfaction and a sense of achievement. Simple things are powerful. What’s your ritual?


  • I know

    August 25th, 2017

    I know you are different. I know you are intelligent. I know you do things differently. I know you have your own style. I know you understand things better than others. I know your views are always right. I know you don’t do things which everyone is doing. I know you are class apart. I also know you are self obsessed. I know you look for attention. I know you want acknowledgement. I know you suffer from a deep void.


  • Now do it

    August 24th, 2017

    You know that hard work is the key to success. You know that health is wealth. You know that humility is the most beautiful ornament. You know that simplicity scores over complexities. You know that listening is powerful than speaking. You know that family comes first. You know that philanthropy is a moral obligation. Just knowing won’t help. Do it.


  • Am I worthy

    August 23rd, 2017

    Accolades are good. Getting respect from the world is great. The question is; how worthy I am in my own eyes? Am I able to face my conscience without fear? Does my innerself approve of my motives which only I know? I have gone through this and I am afraid the answers were not good. They are getting better but still miles to go. Until I stand up to my own expectations, the world’s appreciation won’t matter much. Since I know this, I am atleast off the mark.


  • Start your journey today

    August 22nd, 2017

    We should live our entire life for what we believe in and for our dreams. If that’s not possible, we should spend atleast half of our life towards the same. If not that, we should spend atleast quarter of our life doing the same. If not that, we should spend atleast a few years on it. The only question is; do you know how much time you have. Start your journey today.


  • The fight is on

    August 21st, 2017

    I have wide mood swings. On some days I want to quit everything, go in a shell and live the rest of life oblivion to the world. While on other days, I want to reach the top, change the world and prove my worth to all. Both are extremes. I am somewhere in between. Neither I have the courage the leave everything nor I have the urge to reach the top. The fight is on.


  • There are no fixed rules

    August 20th, 2017

    It is so difficult to say no. A good part of life is wasted on things we could have so easily avoided by saying an upfront no. We unwillingly say yes in many cases just to keep the other person happy. In the process, we take the stress on self. There are no fixed rules to overcome this except learning to say no. It will be difficult in the beginning but with time you will learn this art. Your image of always being a yes person will change but it shall bring peace to you. Yes is good. No is not always bad.


  • Everything seems important

    August 19th, 2017

    There are simply far too many things to learn. Everything seems important. I am told if I don’t learn I would lag behind. I tried to follow the advice to be a learner for quite some time. Even if I was good at something, I learned the art of being unhappy over something else in which I was not so good at. It took a toll on my happiness. Not any more. I have given up on my quest to be a master of everything. There is so much peace now.


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