Power Blogs

  • Let’s motivate

    August 18th, 2017

    To feed our own ego, sometimes we ask uncomfortable questions to other people. We discuss issues which may put the other person on defensive and lower their enthusiasm. While it may raise a feeling of our own superiority for a brief moment, it may damage the self confidence of the person permanently. It may just be a matter of play for us but it can pull someone down forever. Rather than this, it may be a great idea to create an environment of positivity. Let’s motivate.


  • Introspection vs Question

    August 17th, 2017

    The world is clearly divided among two categories of people. The good and the not so good. The interesting part is that everyone considers himself to be in the wise category. Those who are on the other side often raise this question as to ‘what is the definition of right behaviour?’ The aggressive nature of such people itself makes a point. As against this, real wise people never ask this and always introspect their own actions. The world anyways has the answer. It’s us who defy it.


  • Change is good but not always

    August 16th, 2017

    Price is an issue but you can’t switch relationships always on the basis of cost. Integrity, service and behavior of the service provider also matters a lot. A long relationship helps in many ways. The trust factor which develops speed things up. The understanding of future communications is faster. The element of responsibility is more. Stick with existing people. Change is good but not always.


  • I am betting on myself

    August 15th, 2017

    I am not in the game today but don’t count me out for long. They are not bullish on me as I am going through a rough patch. I know I have to do a lot of preparation. I am working on it. I am running behind but I am building my reservoir of energy to sprint ahead when required. They have written me off but I am betting on myself.


  • Human emotions are unique

    August 14th, 2017

    Human emotions are unique. Many a times, my introspection tells me disturbing things but I am unable to deny them. It tells me that I say I have my own benchmark but I mostly follow others. It is difficult to accept, but I feel a sense of satisfaction on your failure because it makes you no better than myself. I feel disgusted when it signals me that I am not able to move ahead due to lack of courage but I watch every step of yours. No matter how difficult it is to know all this, I feel naked with my clothes on.


  • Be dependable

    August 13th, 2017

    Someone is believing in you. Someone is depending on you. Be the support; so that the other person can stay strong and change the world. When you give a subtle sign that you stand for the person, it motivates them to walk ahead. When you assure that you are the backup, it motivates them to push ahead. Sometimes, all someone needs is that you will stay with them no matter what. Be dependable.


  • There is nothing wrong with fear

    August 12th, 2017

    Fear is a characteristic all living beings have. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s presence makes us normal. In fact, a little bit of fear is actually required for us to go into the mode of self introspection. It is the extreme of it which is harmful. Fear is the basis of courage which is good. May be, it’s fear which drives us to do what is right.


  • The friendship bias

    August 11th, 2017

    Are you suffering from friendship bias? Do you agree and support them just because you are friends with them? It’s time to review your stand. Friendship is the next best thing after love. However, it’s important to have the right friends who not only can give good company to you but make you learn and grow in life. And you need to do the same. It may not be a good idea to support them when they are wrong. Infact, they may actually look upon you to challenge them. Have courage and take the right side.


  • Do your best

    August 10th, 2017

    When you are sure you did your best, you won’t regret about the results even if it is not favorable. Doing things is under your control. Results are not. The good part about this is that when it becomes a habit, your expectations take the back seat and action becomes the focus area. After a while results will start surprising you; positively


  • The champion

    August 9th, 2017

    He was a champion. He was on verge of winning again. The final whistle was about to be blown. He just needed to stay on. Yet, a lightening thought struck his mind and he quit. He lost. The audience was aghast. Everyone thought; why? He preferred not to give an explanation. Though, in his mind he knew. Winning was an addiction which provoked him to play again. It was becoming a burden to manage the world’s expectations. He didn’t want to carry on. He wanted to pursue something else. Quitting was the only way to begin afresh.


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