Power Blogs

  • Perfect future

    May 26th, 2018

    People spend their entire life planning it. They want a perfect future. Mostly, it passes by infront of their eyes and they stay where there are. For some of them who muster the courage to walk on an unknown path, they too get doubtful soon after and many of them quit. Only a select few who are lucky and have perseverance travel far on their chosen course. These are the people the world look upto. Staying where we are is worse than failing and coming back. Mostly, we go through. Atleast, they tried.

  • I am stuck at my own ideas

    May 25th, 2018

    The biggest handicap of learning is my existing bias which I have developed over time. I genuinely want to learn but my pre conceived notions come in between. My self proclaimed intelligence finds a flaw in everything. I attend meetings to get new ideas but end up objecting them and sharing my own wisdom. I am losing my sharpness because I am stuck at my own ideas. I have a few followers who believe I am still the best and I guess that’s what is doing the damage. It’s difficult to get out of this mess. I really want to.

  • Believe in yourself

    May 24th, 2018

    It’s all in the mindset. If you think you are weak, you will feel like looking for help and support from people. Contrary to this, if you believe you are strong, you will have the power to help others and become their strength. Circumstances don’t make us weak. Our thoughts do. We are strong but negative thoughts make us fragile. Your perception about yourself builds up over time and you start believing it. Why not have a positive perception. Why not consider yourself capable. Why not become a giver.

  • Results never come in a day

    May 23rd, 2018

    Results never come in a day. If you feel the outcome of your effort is not coming as desired, give it some more time. May be your rewards are being compounded. Keep doing your good work. Have faith. There will be a moment when luck and hard work will find a perfect sync. Wait for that moment to arrive. Till then efforts must not stop, else the whole process would reverse. Every small step you take forward becomes a giant leap over time. Keep going.

  • Do your best

    May 22nd, 2018

    The question is not what you do. The thing is; are you doing your best. The question is not how successful you are. The thing is; are you happy doing what you do. The question is not how many people know you. The thing is; do you know yourself well. The question is not how much wealth you have. The thing is; how many people have you helped.

  • Some people laugh at my choices

    May 21st, 2018

    Some people laugh at my choices. Some are amused. Some think I am crazy. Some believe I am a loser. Some are trying to see beyond. I don’t understand why people are taking so much interest in me even though I don’t even care about them. If my life and choices don’t make sense to them, why are they even bothered. I am not giving any exams and yet they are hell bent upon judging me. I am not looking for their approval and yet they take pride in criticizing me. When I sought their attention, they despised me. Now when they have become irrelevant in my life, they are following my every action.

  • I want to speak my heart

    May 20th, 2018

    I want to speak my heart but my mind comes in between. The heart is willing to reveal but the mind always conceals. It’s a constant fight. I am on my heart’s side but till now my mind has an edge. The heart is fragile and so the mind dominates. It takes advantage of the situation and keep the heart under control. I don’t understand whether I am a free man or a slave. May be I don’t have courage to accept who I really am. The only hope is that I am now aware of this and slowly but surely I am trying to muster courage to come out in the open and reveal my real self. The day is near.

  • Start living for our soul

    May 19th, 2018

    We spend our entire life with one objective; having an identity. Though this is a fact, we deny this. Not only we lie to the world, we keep ourself also in confusion as to what we really want. So much effort is wasted in impressing people who are least interested in us and they too are in the same race as we are. We go to an extent of killing our real self to create a fake identity. Let’s give it up and start living for our soul. As far as we love ourself we won’t need endorsement of the world as to what we need to become and what we need to do.

  • It seems things are prefixed

    May 18th, 2018

    It seems things are prefixed. Only the sequence may change. If you begin with the expectation of growth and success and you climb the stairs of pinnacle, you may achieve it also. Once you do, overtime its excitement will dwindle down and you will look for peace, introspection and solitude. The glamour of attention will not excite you anymore. Similarly, when you begin with self introspection, compassion, integrity and giving your best without the expectation of glamour and attention; it will eventually lead to unparrallel success and respect. The choice is yours as to where you wish to begin from.

  • Life consists of years

    May 17th, 2018

    Life consists of years. Years are made of months. Weeks make months and days make weeks. And so, the simple formula to live a great life is to live daily. It will automatically become weeks, months and years and when it’s time to go we would have lived a complete life. Still, we spend a lot of time today hoping we will live a great life tomorrow. You will find so called successful people living in stress and you can also see people having just enough to pass by, living life fully. It doesnt require intellect and wealth. It requires freedom and a different state of mind.

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