Power Blogs

  • Practical people

    September 22nd, 2016

    Some people are practical. They are realistic. They use past experience to judge things. Future is unknown and so they use past to evaluate things. It is easy. It makes their job easier. They are experts in predicting failures because they themselves are. They don’t understand; past keeps on changing because of people who believe in the future.

  • The speed of trust

    September 21st, 2016

    The speed of trust is faster than electricity. It takes months and years to establish trust but once it is there things move quickly. All the past effort and patience is rewarded multifold. People like to deal with trustworthy people. They pay a high premium for trust. It is difficult to replace trust. Superficial words used to create trust don’t last. Actions do.

  • I was so wrong

    September 20th, 2016

    I always did what I liked. Atleast, this is what I believed. I was so wrong. After a lot of introspection I realised my choices were not really mine. They were infected by the environment around which impaired my ability to choose wisely. The feeling of being left out and fulfilling the norms of society weighed heavily on the choices I made. It was not me but they who decided what I was supposed to do. Not anymore. I may lose them but it’s a small price to find myself.

  • Get ready for success

    September 19th, 2016

    There is nothing called failure. It’s just a part of success. Success is the sum total of all the failures plus a little more. Don’t be disappointed when things don’t turn out as expected. Next time they will. May be the next after next. May be one more time after that. When you finally hit the target you will be rewarded for all the attempts you made before. Get ready for the next try.

  • Diagnosis is important

    September 18th, 2016

    Diagnosis of the disease is important to cure it. In the same way diagnosis of thoughts and motives is important to lead a good life. To do this introspection is required. The real diagnosis will happen only when you are willing to listen carefully and with real intent. It requires a lot of courage to accept what your innerself has to say. It then will require a strong will and determination to act upon it. Are you ready for the introspection.


  • I am trying hard

    September 17th, 2016

    They taught me the rules of life. I was a great learner. I learnt them all. I lived by the rules. They liked me since I obeyed them, followed them. It was nice in the beginning. But it didn’t work for me. I quickly realised that their rules were biased and favored them. Now I am unlearning. It is taking me more time than to learn. I am used to live their way. It’s a fight with myself to change. I am trying hard. One day I will.

  • Life is not a sprint

    September 16th, 2016

    Don’t be in a hurry. To get things done. To get ahead. To get more. Yes, you may get a lot of wealth and recognition but you need to know your time on earth is limited. Don’t run towards the end. Slow yourself down. Take your time and enjoy the stops. Appreciate what you have rather than run in pursuit of accumulating more and more. Life is not a sprint. Live it like a long walk.

  • He marched alone

    September 15th, 2016

    He was soft inside like a marshmallow. Yet he was made of steel when it came to his resolve. The resolve to change the world. He knew one life may not be enough for what he aimed at. Yet he marched alone believing that someone along the way will join him and carry the resolve after him. Someone asked him, ‘why plant a tree which won’t give you the shade?’ He responded, ‘I never planted the tree which is yielding me the fruit today’.

  • Get on with your life

    September 14th, 2016

    Some people will always find fault in you. That’s their DNA. They get a kick by doing this. This is their form of entertainment. Don’t be perturbed with this. Don’t allow them to enter your mind. Get on with your life. Continue with your vision. Keep on trying new things and keep on experimenting new ways. Once you hit it right, the same guys will come for your autograph. Don’t let it enter your mind even then. Keep going.

  • He invites pain

    June 20th, 2016

    He invites pain. He likes suffering. It’s like food to him for survival. He craves for it. He feels fulfilled when it seems the pain would kill him. This feeling is what he defines as happiness and he doesn’t like sharing happiness with the world. It all goes within. He considers himself rich because he knows; what he possesses is rare.


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