The Obsession to Know

Posted on 17th May, 2015 | | 1530 Views | Wisdom

Who doesn’t want to become wise? I was also interested. I enquired the way. I got to know that information is the key to knowledge and knowledge is the key to wisdom. Ever since, gathering information became a habit for me. Participating in every meeting became a rule. Reading tonnes of papers and periodicals became the norm of the day.

What started as a passion soon became an obsession. I was addicted to knowing everything. Yes, there were rewards to such awareness but soon I realized, more information does not necessary result in more knowledge and more success.

There is too much of information flowing around. I am actually wary of it now. I have started focusing on a few things and ignore the rest. At times, it causes me embarrassment in front of others. Still, this is far too less a price to pay as against the effort of knowing everything. I have realized I don’t have enough time in this lifetime to pursue all the information that is available around me.

I may not have become wise but I have come far. From my obsession to information, I am now learning how to ignore.

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