Most people know the 80/20 rule. The rule says 80% of results come from 20% of activities. Yet, many of us are not able to focus on this simple rule. We work uncountable hours on petty things hoping they will produce big results. Chances are they won’t. Instead, working fewer hours on big things can result in maximum productivity. The key is to ignore 80% of the things and constantly try to focus on the most meaningful things. This can free up as much as 80% of our time which can be used in personal recreation, reflecting on life’s most important things, exploring new things, etc.
This rule also syncs well with the concept of marginal benefit which essentially means that after a while marginal benefit reduces from a particular activity. If one can continuously strive to find the optimum marginal benefit and use his resources in other activities thereafter, he can be massively effective and achieve more in less time.
To achieve 80% result requires just 20% of the effort and time. To achieve the balance 20% result, 80% more time and effort is required which is mostly not worth it. The challenge to follow the 80/20 rule is to give up the mindset of squeezing the last drop of juice from the fruit.
We are experts in solving the complex problems but ignore the simple solutions.
So, the next time you spend your time and resource on something, apply the rule of 80/20 and you can multiply your productivity.