Many a time when we meet so called successful people, people who are highly connected, resourceful, we want to be like them, copy them and emulate them. Rather than getting inspired we try to compete with them with regard to social acceptance and respect. The belief that they have accomplished more gives us a feeling of underachievement. This is a sure shot way to living unhappily and having stress.
When we see someone having achieved meaningful success in life, we fail to see the effort and focus put in by that person to reach there. We only see the end result. It requires a vision and a strong focus to stay put on the path which leads to that vision. It takes time too.
Till the time we have not created our own vision, we keep getting confused about where we are headed to and this creates competition with people whom we think are ahead of us. Once we know what we want in life and what our vision is, it will eliminate confusion and competition and allow us to focus on one single path. This also gives peace.
The fear that our chosen path may not lead to success creates a doubt in our own mind. This doubt makes our focus and commitment weak resulting in confusion and frustration. Let this fear do not cross our minds.
Everyone measures success, happiness and accomplishment in his own way. Once you decide what you want out of your life and where you are headed for, allow no one to compare you with the world. Not even yourself.
If you want to go east, you must sacrifice the west. If you want to achieve one thing, you must let go of many other things. Create your own vision. Commit your life to walk on that road which leads to your own vision.
Don’t compete with others. Rather, inspire others by your own vision.